There was a fantastic turn out from the F4L Triathlon Team athletes for the City Of Perth Triathlon, part of the Sun Smart series on Sunday 15th January.
The weather was fantastic for racing, although it did get quite warm by race end and shade was definitely at a premium for those hanging around for the presentation. Everyone enjoyed the course, especially the flat ride and run track. It was a very scenic ride along Riverside Drive and the run back into Elizabeth Quay, though there was some serious dodging of Sunday spectators and dog walkers (read people who had no idea a triathlon was on) by some of the competitors.
From what I hear, not too many racers were excited about having to push the jelly fish aside on the swim leg though and having to soak the once clean white tri-suits now stained a dirty brown. Reports are also coming through that some of the F4L youngsters might be under investigation for allegedly interfering with other racers by throwing jelly fish at them? Can we really take Maddy and Kendal anywhere?

The F4L athletes continue to achieve good results with a few well placed podium finishes, good to see the hard work at training is paying off. The team atmosphere and camaraderie is awesome. The F4L brand even received a bit of a plug from the MC during the medal presentations, must have been my flashy new tri-top.
This was the first time the Duathlon was offered for the City of Perth race, much to the relief of me, who wasn’t very keen on having to swim in the crystal clear waters of Elizabeth Quay. What a stroke of genius that turned out to be when I found out it the water was littered with jelly fish. Around 50 odd competitors turned out for the Duathlon which started at a cracking pace and just as quickly settled down after the short climb over the bridge.
All in all I thought it was another well organised and well attended event. Oh, I think we have the best looking team colours on the circuit.
Congratulations to all that participated and a massive thanks to all those who went along to support the team. Looking forward to seeing you all at training or the next race.